Section One
in this seclion ? you arc going to hear five dialugues. After each diakguce thvrr are hve questions. Choose the twst answer lu each question and write your answer on the Answer ShwL
Youe II hear each dialogue twkc< (50 points)
Dialogue 1
2、The man and the wottuin are talking about?
A. the construction of the xoo
B. the function of the zoo
C. the anractivencHS of rhe zoo
(2) The man thinks we still need zoos to ?
A. display rare animals
Bw mnkr the environment better
C. prevent rare animals I mm extinction
<3) 丁he woman think:*
3、 the right place for the Animals is?
A. in rhe zoos
B< in cages
C. in the natural environment
(1) The man thinks the zoos and safari should serve as ceniers-
A. research B. education
C. recreation
(5) Finally the woman agrees that .
A. people enn respect animah in The natural surroundings
4、 its n pleasure watching animals in cages
C. csninials will leaxn to respect human beings in thr end
Dialogue 2
(6) The woman has tickets for a volleyball match ?
A. evening R this afternoon
C. tomorrow evening
(7) A< rorilihg to the worn/iru volleyball mntch is .
A? very danKcrouw H. alow nn
5、d inicrcstinR
C fn
6、1 D Thr first piner the woman went to was .
A. Australia B. New York
C. New Z函find
(12) The womnn worked there (nr?
A. 3 weeks 氏 3 monthu
C. 6 months
(13) Then the woman went to .
A. wuth-eaat Asin 11 south America
C< India And Pnkmtan
< 11) nrc tmportnnr to travel between the inlands in
A. Toxit B. Bom
C? Planen
< 15) According IG (he womant Smgnporr is.
A? mmh?m but rather boring B. clenn# hui not worth a vish
C< like a very big chopping centre
Dialogue I
(16) Mr rUrrinon*a nddreAB 29 Emmerdnle Rsd, ? SW.
A. I.ondun* 12 B. London* 22
G RandcL 15
(|7)Thc gift i
8、n for her birthday.
A? granddaughter B? doughtcr
C grandma
(18) rhe woman wnta ■ duck, n wMLby nd a ?
A< monkey B? dog
C. giraffe
(19) Il totftlii .
A. 90 B. 70
C 60
(20) The womnn i in a place where people nnimnls>
A. adopt B- buy
C tnlk nboiH
Dialogue 5
(2D The girl ia mo*! probably
9、n ? ?
A. univcmity student 隊 high school graduate
(1 buinc0B woman
(22) The problem with uriivcrnity in ?
人 money WtlOWfe
C. independence
(23) The girl dorm11 wunt to ?
A. get grant R "l ? job
Q use her chdn money
(24> In the Sandwich Coumce the pay for her *tudy<
人 company & girl
C fath
(25) She Mlary during the sandwich course*
A? no; B- P"tW
G full
、VT"”C1 Is”
Purl J
?f|purl, yott will hair u pttMBMffr After I hr pnuMge Ihrn? urr frn MtnttmtnU. Orcidc whrthvr
ihr rolluwlni; ^utrmvril h Iruc < T) o
11、nce. (20 point、)
(21) People whu Jive Ur horn cH|e< caii 如I urcow g Inirrnri rafUly.
1 * ? ? hh In-rd fin ihrin io M*nd or rrrrlvc in/onti/iH In nil thi Hrru> trlcplMinr “zice 浦 wry rhrflp.
? 「hl VII A UWA Altllhe ta *,t find nrnd 麗
12、 H I hi will br plncacl in all I hr liatd to rmrh plum in thn vbnrbl (?營 Thr 10^1 ol ncniliiiH nnd rrrrivin
13、a mlormonnn will br very low
Part 3
111 yuu *HI hv4r n Fili hl blank* o you Ihlrti Io llir IVritr your
mg" im thv An*wrr ShcoL You will hear I hr pmauigc twice CIO jniinta)
Jwiu h/iii 4 trtrihle unithchr< It kept him awnlk < rheck w,? ^ollrn end it wur difficuh kir him tu ei or
14、(37) .
lb Unkrd hih hw lor lirnu oil. Ilia cuuhl (38)
0I wtd him to itokc rhr 39)nl ihn dny oft. I hr drniinl MMryd tu ( 10)
Jm顧 uti!ncdi*u-ly> Hv X rayed the lotnh th*1 w” < tl> J“m?. unubl< i Ei h,the X ray igrtinM u bright (1Z) . Al Um hr told Jnnx ■ tliMt hr M tn
f ik* ih- tooth < 13} . t
15、hr drnliiti R.w jAtnv* nn >n)crtiori 4 C
(9> B
16、) A
(11) C
(12) B
(13) A
(14) B
(16) A
(17) B
(18) C
(19) B
(20) A
(21) B
(22) A
(23) C
(24) A
(25) B
Section 1 mii
Pnrt I
(20 poinUt 2 polntB each)
(26) F
(31) F
<27) T
(32) F
(33) F
(29) F
(34) T
(30) T
(35) T
Pari 2
(30 points. 3 points each)
《36) dl (37) drink
(38) %ee
(39) rest
(40) see
C 11 ) givinK
(42) light
(43) out
《44) home
(45) the